Superintendent Search Focus Group - Invitation to Provide Input

With the recent resignation of Superintendent Bagstad, the School Board will begin conducting a search for the next Superintendent of Schools effective July 1st, 2024. Community members, families and staff are invited to meet and provide feedback to Don Stevens & Associates, Inc.,(DSA), who is working with the School Board to help seek quality candidates to interview for the next Superintendent of Schools. The firm is seeking input on the status of the district and will discern stakeholders’ thoughts on the skills and qualities important to the position of superintendent. You may visit with consultants on a drop-in basis, in small groups or individually. The associates will be in the Middle School and Elementary conference rooms on the following dates and times:

Elementary and Middle School Conference Room
Tuesday, December 12 – 10:00am - 4:00pm **
Wednesday, December 13 – 7:30am - 4:00pm **
Thursday, December 14 – Canceled

**Lunch Break 1:00 - 1:30
Pilgrim's Conference Room - Wanek Center
Tuesday, December 12 – 4:15pm - 7:00pm
Wednesday, December 13 – 4:15pm - 7:00pm

We look forward to meeting with you and gaining your insights.

Don Stevens - Don Stevens & Associates, Inc.