Lisseth Ortiz Lopez - Lisseth has done a great job of learning our routines and sets a wonderful example for her friends. She is kind and caring, and is always willing to participate! Good job, Lisseth!
Beau Bellville - Beau is an excellent 4K student! He does a great job sharing with his friends and looking out for them. He makes wonderful connections and shows Paw Pride in all that he does.
Yareni Aguilar Mendoza - Yareni is welcoming to new friends! She helps others learn the routine of our classroom.
Alisson Garcia Garcia - Alisson is doing a great job of following the PBIS rules. She is always attentive to the teacher and willing to answer questions. She is so excited to learn! Keep up the great work Alisson!
Maria Limones Castellano - Maria does a great job setting a positive example for others. She is quick to help out in the classroom and is a friend to all. Keep up the great work Maria!
Hector Romero Bazan - Hector has been a joy to teach. He is very kind to his friends, a great listener, and always follows directions. I am so pleased to see how he has found his place within our classroom and is already showing leadership skills. So proud of you Hector!
Trevor Peplinski - Trevor has worked really hard understanding new transitions, participating in classwork, using utensils the correct way, and just overall being present in the classroom! We are so proud of his progress and showing paw pride!
Yaretzi Montalvo Hernandez - Yaretzi is always listening, sharing, and very kind to all her friends.
Mia Sandoval Vasquez - She is a very respectful, responsible girl, she is focused on her activities and likes to help her classmates.
Victoria Gonzalez Moreno - Victoria always comes to school with a smile on her face and is always ready to learn. She does a great job of being a leader in the classroom by being safe, responsible, and respectful. Keep doing a great job, Victoria!
Adolfo Ortiz Lopez - Adolfo is a very hard worker and a great role model to the rest of the students in the class!
Jesus Guzman Cruz - Jesus is always willing to help whether it’s for a teacher or a student. I am blown away by his eagerness to be safe, respectful, and responsible in and out of the classroom. He has made me very proud, and deserves to be recognized!
Athena Schlesser - Athena is a wonderful example of PAW Pride at all times and in all areas of the school. She helps her classmates without being asked. And is also very respectful to her peers and teachers.
Dylan Vasquez Ortiz - Dylan has been working very hard to show PAW Pride by completing his work in a timely manner and always trying his best. He is also always kind to all of his classmates. Great job Dylan!
Fernanda Rodriguez Martinez - Fernanda has done a terrific job showing PAW Pride throughout the entire school. She comes into school each day prepared and ready to learn. Every day she is participating and is showing kindness to everyone. Keep up the great work Fernanda!
Eimy Garcia Santiago - Eimy is a hard worker who shows paw pride. She is respectful, responsible, and safe. Keep up the good work!
Annette Ortiz Ortiz - Annette shows PAW Pride by showing kindness and empathy to everyone. She is a leader in the classroom because she tries her best everyday. Annette raises her hand to participate often. Keep up the hard work, Annette!
Montserrat Sandoval Sandoval - Montserrat has been helpful and kind every day. She always has a smile and tries her best with everything.
Camilo Sandoval Sandoval - Camilo comes to school everyday ready to learn. He is responsible, having all his materials ready and returning items on time.
Jasmin Reynoso Barrios - Jasmin is being nominated for Leader of the Pack because of her positive attitude and her constant practice of PAW Pride throughout school. Jasmine is always on task in the classroom and shows her thinking in everything she puts her mind to. She stays focused on what's being asked and takes responsibility in her learning. Jasmine also shows great PAW pride when walking in the hallway, eating lunch, and at Recess. Jasmine is a great Leader of the Pack for Ms.Harnisch's class. :)
Esmeralda Aguilar Reyes - She participates in class and tries her best at being an engaged learner. She volunteers to help out in the classroom when things are not in their place. She is respectful, responsible, and safe.